Wednesday, September 30, 2009

One and one and one is three

Today I was driving from one of the hospitals I call on (after a super busy, hectic day) headed to doggie daycare to pick up the boys, talking to Matt on the phone, when a call comes through from CCRM. I almost had a heart attack right then, but I switched over immediately and I heard my doctor say: "Hi, Holly? It's Eric Surrey." Panic. Sweating. "Oh, hi Dr. Surrey" I say (sure my voice is cracking). I know what comes next, he's going to tell me how many viable embryos we have and I am so excited and panic stricken all at the same time. I wasn't sure if I should just ask to call him back or go ahead and hear the news- it was hitting rush hour traffic after all and what if I was so distracted I got in an accident. I decided to take my chances. "I'm not calling to disappoint you today" he continues.... "you know we had a lot of attrition in the cycle" (yep- 20 eggs, 16 fertilized, only 4 made it to blastocyst) "the great news is that 3 are viable!"
What?! I am not sure exactly what I said at that point and all I can hope is that it was both appropriate and intelligible. No way did we even dare to hope that we'd have 3 of 4 make it. So, it was at this point that my phone died. Totally dead. I was in a panic, so I crossed about 3 lanes of traffic and flew into a CVS parking lot, ran in (they probably thought I was there for my "meds") and bought the only charger I could find. After sitting in the car about 7 minutes, it was finally charged enough to let me turn it back on. I called CCRM back and begged to talk with Dr. Surrey again. He laughed and said he thought in the shock I had dropped my phone and broke it. Nope, I'm just lame and let my phone die during one of the most important calls of my life! So he continued to tell me that we will probably do transfer in approx 6 weeks (maybe week of Nov. 16th) and that we'll implant 2 of them. There's about a 60% chance of pregnancy for each one and a 30% chance or so for twins. Not too shabby!
Whew. The big wait is over. We definitely celebrated with a bottle of wine tonight! I'm hoping in 6 weeks I'll be cut off from all drinking for a good long time!!


Amy said...

This is the best news ever, Holly and Matt! I couldn't be more happy for you both. I think your positive attitude has made a huge difference. Congratulations on this great outcome! xoxoxo

Amy said...

Also, I love two blog updates in one week! Keep the updates coming!!!

Tom, Christie, and Shannon Malchow said...

Fantastic news Holly! I just read your entire blog (start to finish like I was reading a Twilight book). I am eagerly awaiting upcoming posts!

~Christie McMahon Malchow

Carrie H said...

oh, Holly, I have tears of joy for you as I read this entry. Thank you for sharing your story.

Emilie M said...

I applaud your willingness to write openly about your experiences. I am sending good vibes your way for a successful outcome.