Wednesday, July 28, 2010

1 Week- Holy Cow!!

I can't believe today marks 39 weeks. Seriously, this pregnancy has flown by. It's been relatively easy and I feel like I should knock on every piece of wood in the house right now for even mentioning that. I think we finally feel "ready" to welcome baby girl Crawford home. The only thing left in the nursery is the light fixture, which we have (finally) but it is not yet installed- that goes a little beyond our skill level. Now that I am on maternity leave, I've discovered a lot of other home projects that need to be completed, so I've started a list! Sorry Matt. But, in reality, most of those things won't get touched in the near future because I'm prepared for not having time to do anything that is not directly baby related.
Starting at 36 weeks, I started to see the doctor every week. Now, I am up to twice a week. Apparently I measure small. Anyone who has seen my belly would not describe it as small, but I am supposed to measure in centimeters from bottom to top of the belly (fundus height) the same number as I am weeks preggo. I lag about 3 weeks sometimes. This has caused me to get 2 additional sonograms in the last 4 weeks. My last sonogram was Monday, July 26th. At this one, they told me my fluid level was still in normal range, but a bit on the low side. This means I: 1. Got "checked" that day and the doctor measured to see that I was 1cm dilated and 60% effaced 2. Get a non-stress test this Thursday and next Monday 3. Get ANOTHER sonogram on Monday (Aug 2nd) to check fluid levels again 4. Got banned from exercise 5. Am required to rest on my left side several times a day 6. Drink ridiculous amounts of water. Depending on what happens with my fluid levels, I may be induced after the sono on Monday. Yikes. The doctor also told me that because of my age, she will only let me go 1 week past my due date (assuming everything else goes fine).
It is so weird just waiting for this huge momentous occasion to happen! Matt and I went to a movie last night (Toy Story 3- Matt had to see it in 3D, by the way- it is very cute!) and I was sure my water was going to break in the theatre and I'd have to leave looking like I wet my pants. Didn't happen of course, but because I have zero control over the situation, it is just a waiting game. It is impossible to know when it will happen, how it will feel, what the experience will be like, anything! I can't wait to finally meet her though- to see her little face and hold her hands. I can't wait to see Matt hold her and introduce her to our parents and siblings and friends (and of course her fur brothers Cooper and Barley)!


Amy said...

The suspense is killing me! I am patiently sitting by phone waiting for the call! I hope everything goes well. Love you!!

Emilie M said...

I've been thinking about you, hoping you're doing well so close to due date. I'm confident that with such intensive doctor oversight everything will proceed normally from here through delivery. After she arrives, please post photos on Facebook of beautiful baby girl Crawford!

Tom, Christie, and Shannon Malchow said...

Holly, I totally feared my water breaking in public too...but the reality is only 15% of women ever have their water break! Good luck with everything...I was a week late & was induced as well. I hope yours goes better than mine did (c-section), but either way it doesn't matter once that little bundle is in your arms! In fact, at 3 months out I can hardly remember the pain, only that we now are blessed with a daughter.

Good luck & I can't wait to see photos!!