Saturday, May 1, 2010


I ordered the coolest little gadget the other day. It is a fetal doppler heartbeat monitor- and I rented it for 3 months. As soon as the box came I whipped it out, squirted some gel stuff on my belly and listened to Peanut's little heartbeat! So cool. Thank-you Christie for suggesting I get this, I should have ordered one earlier- it is awesome for peace of mind in the long weeks between appointments.
We are trying to get little P's room finished because these days I've been having a little anxiety about the fact she is supposed to be here in about 13 weeks. It seems like a long time, but really, how motivated will I be in those last 4 weeks when it is summer and hot? And I am a bit of a planner and prefer to have things in order ASAP. Mom and Dave came up a couple weekends ago and painted her room (very neutral) and last weekend my brother-in-law, Derrick, came and did a bunch of other work in the house and finished up some projects in her room as well. Now that the bones of the room are coming together, I am struggling with the rest of it: colors, the rest of the furniture, all the other stuff. I thought I had settled on a very pale pink, with a deeper rose color, off white, and linen for the colors (I say that "I" settled on this because Matt is very flexible with what her room design will be- as long as it doesn't look ridiculous he is on board). Lately though, I have really been leaning toward incorporating the pale aqua/robin's egg/washed out teal blue color I love. I can't find anything that incorporates both pale pink and that right shade of blue so I am a bit stuck. I'm sure it will all come together, but I need some inspiration! I know what I don't like when I see it, but I can't seem to imagine what I want. When I am settled on some things, I will post some pictures.
I have been feeling pretty good lately, still get tired every now and then and I've found it more difficult to do certain tasks like crouching down for more than a second- the weight of the belly seems to cut the circulation off in my legs, which by the way feel a bit like tree trunks! :)
Monday the 10th I go back for another ultrasound, the dreaded glucose test, and a long appointment with my doc where we discuss everything from birth plan options to pediatricians. Matt and I also decided to hire a doula, Cami, to help us with the birth (as well as prep and a post-baby visit as well). We had about an hour meeting with her and in that time both decided we needed her! She gave us a lot of resources and will meet with us again to go over some of the labor options I will have as well as give us a little advice on the birth plan.
So, over the next few weeks, we will be attending our birth class and doing more prep work on Peanut's room, and every night I will be using my handy fetal monitor and listening to heartbeats!


Tom, Christie, and Shannon Malchow said...

So glad you are enjoying the doppler. I'll tell you what, the piece of mind is even better at the end of the pregnancy when they are closely monitoring fetal movements (especially when you are OVERDUE!). It's just nice to check the HR when you can't feel the baby...and know that all is well without running to the doctor!

Good luck with the room decorating, I'm sure it will look darling whatever you chose. We're officially nearing the end here - I'll be induced tomorrow morning (I'm 41 weeks...and want her OUT). We'll be updating our blog with photos from the hospital, so stay tuned!


Emilie M said...

I love the technology that is available to modern moms. Glad to hear that you and "P" are doing well.