Friday, December 11, 2009

It was a good Thanksgiving!!

The Wednesday before Thanksgiving was one of the most nerve-racking of my life. I went to LabCorp for a blood draw at 8am- I was actually the first one in the door! I was told it would take approximately 4 hours for my results to get to the doctors office so I was fine for those 4 hours, though getting increasingly nervous as the time got closer. Matt decided to meet me at home that afternoon and we'd go have lunch, etc. As we were eating, my cell phone laid on the table next to me, volume turned to the highest level, and I just stared at it (as if this would make it ring). Nothing. I called the clinic in Denver, but since they are an hour behind us, they were on lunch. Ugh. We went to the bookstore to kill some time, I walked with the phone in my hand, again just staring at it. I paced. Didn't help. I called the clinic again, they said they hadn't received the results- it was now 5 hours past the time they were supposed to be received. I called LabCorp here in town and they told me the results had been faxed. I called the clinic in Colorado again (about 30 min later) and told them the results were just faxed again. They said again, they had nothing. Back on the phone with LabCorp- they verified yet another fax line number and said they would fax the results two more times to both numbers. So, it was finally time for Matt to drop me off at home (it is now 3pm!) so he can go and pick up his parents and brother from the airport. We devise some plan that I would text him when I got the news and if he could slip away from his family for a second, then he could call me to find out. While he was on his drive to the airport I got the call. "We wanted to see your numbers at least 50 and yours are 100- congratulations!" I wanted to scream, but realized that the awesome woman we had hired to clean our house before the company came was still downstairs and I didn't want to scare her off. I just asked "are you sure- really sure?" Yep. I got a positive test! I called Matt and he almost had a wreck because he said he was jumping around in the car (while he was on the highway of course!). Whew, he got to know before all the family was here!
Thanksgiving Day was a lot of fun- we told our parents (and Scott) over a toast. We decided to tell the rest of our family on Friday after our second test where they were looking to see if my numbers had doubled. Friday morning rolled around, again I was there early- and then waited ALL day for those results. I took my Mom to the musical Wicked (awesome by the way!!) and I had my phone on vibrate only. I knew when CCRM had called, but I had to wait until intermission to listen to the message. 275! They definitely doubled. Yay! The second half of that musical was even better than the first!
So, now I'm waiting again. Monday, Dec. 14th is the ultrasound- they are looking for a heartbeat, and to see if there is truly an embryo (or two) attached. I was officially 6 weeks pregnant on Wednesday Dec. 10th. I don't think the waiting for each test is ever going to be easy but surely they are better than that first one! Normally people don't share the news so early into the pregnancy, but since we've had such awesome support though this entire process, we wanted to share this great news with everyone sooner rather than later.


Katie said...

Congratulations to both of you - what wonderful news!!! We've been thinking of you!

Amy Frick said...

I have been very anxious to hear your news Holly. This is truly the GREATEST news ever! I am smiling big for you and your deserve this!!!!
Now, will it be one or two????

Carrie Humiston said...

Such great news Holly! Congratulations and here's to a happy & healthy pregnancy. What a great Thanksgiving this was for you & Matt!

Amy said...

This post made me cry! I am so happy for you and Matt and cannot wait to be an auntie!

Emilie M said...

I'm so happy for you and Matt, your families, and of course, your dogs! What a long, difficult journey this has been for you. As your pregnancy progresses please keep your fans updated via your blog.